How to Be More Present on Your Wedding Day



“Your wedding will go by in a blink of an eye.”

“You won’t even eat your own wedding food!”

“You’ll be too busy to dance at the reception.”


You’ve heard the expressions. As countless people will tell you, your wedding will be a whirlwind of a day. For couples who want to be truly present during their wedding celebration, the idea that you won’t get to savor the moments of your own wedding can be a bit discouraging. While you might hear these comments a lot, there are ways for you to fully enjoy this special day that you’ve worked so hard to plan. These are a few tips and tricks that will help you stay present and make the most out of your wedding day.


Give Yourself More Prep Time Than You Think You Need

Not giving yourself enough getting ready time is the quickest way to send your mind into panic mode and take yourself out of the present. Play it safe by scheduling more time than you need to get ready the day of. The best scenario is that you’ll stay on schedule and have more time to enjoy with your loved ones – and you will be truly present in these final moments before you are hitched. The worst thing that could happen? You take a bit longer than expected, but thankfully have this cushion time and are ready to walk down the aisle right on schedule.


Schedule In Alone Time with Your New Spouse

While it exciting to celebrate with family and friends, the person you’ll want to celebrate with the most is your new spouse! Work in some small moments throughout the day where you and your partner can connect with each other one-on-one. You can both help keep each other present.


Stick to Your Morning Routine

Do you have a go-to routine when you wake up in the morning? Maybe you head straight to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, or you meditate, journal, or go for a run. Whatever your routine is, let yourself stick to it on the day of your wedding. This routine helps you get present in your day-to-day life, so you might as well use it to your advantage on your wedding day!


Make Sure You Are Eating Throughout the Day

You can’t be fully present if your focus is on your growling stomach and where the nearest snacks are! Plan to have food available throughout the day. Be sure to eat a good breakfast, and that you have snacks and lunch available while you are getting ready. Forget what they say about the couple not eating the food on their wedding day – give yourself the time to enjoy your dinner (and dessert, of course) too!


Turn Off Your Phone

Before heading to the venue, turn off your phone so that you don’t have any distractions or temptations to go overboard with taking photos and videos. You can even forgo the phone for the entire day! Of course, make sure everyone (vendors and guests) has a day-of point of contact person in case anyone has questions. Don’t worry about capturing the day – you have a professional photographer and countless guests documenting the celebration. If you want to make sure you are getting enough photos while getting ready, tell your wedding party to take photos on their phones (they probably were planning on it anyway). You will get your shots!


Keep Moving On When Things Don’t Go As Planned

You may encounter a few unscheduled mishaps throughout the day of your wedding. While you may feel like complaining or putting your energy towards trying to fix things, the best thing you can do is let it roll off your back and keep moving forward. What is important is that you are getting married and celebrating with family, friends, and your partner – don’t let something going not as planned take your attention away from that!


Remind Yourself What the Day is Truly About

If you find yourself getting flustered or overwhelmed, take a moment to connect with your partner and remember why you are here: to get married and celebrate! Everything else is just a little something extra. Be sure to remind yourself this throughout the day.


If you are in the process of planning your wedding, come to the next Georgia Bridal Show near you. You will have the chance to meet with professional wedding vendors of all talents who can help bring your vision to life!


Georgia wedding vendors, as well as other wedding professionals across the Southeast, can contact us about opportunities for exhibition and online marketing with Georgia Bridal Show.