What to Consider Before Picking a Wedding Venue

When it comes to choosing the perfect venue, there are plenty of things to consider. Picking the right venue for your wedding can take time, especially since each venue comes with different services depending on your needs. Before saying yes to your dream venue, here are a few factors to consider:


Indoor or Outdoor

Choosing between an indoor and outdoor wedding venue can be a difficult decision. When it comes to indoor venues, the greatest factor is control. No matter what the weather is, rain or shine, your day will not be impacted. Indoor venues also allow for less stress on the occasion that the sun is brutal or the rain begins to pour. On the other hand, mother nature has a lot of beauty to offer. Outdoor venues allow for greater views of greenery and also call for fewer decorations. To top it off, nothing is better for wedding photos than natural lighting. However, when considering an outdoor venue, you should always have a backup plan for the occasion of extreme weather conditions. Consider a canopy to shield your guest from rain or the sun.


Bring Your Own Food & Booze

Food and drinks are probably the top wedding expense. With most venues requiring you to use their catering services, you can spend up to $100 per plate, and thousands on an open bar. If you have a big budget or are having a small wedding, perhaps this might not be a dilemma. But if you plan on having 100 or more guests at your wedding, you might want to consider alternatives. Generally, venues will communicate their food and beverage requirements, and if they are flexible then you might be in luck. Choosing your caterer or food service can result in you saving thousands on your wedding. Even purchasing all the beverages for your reception can result in massive savings.


Time of Year

The season you decide to have your wedding can influence the type of venue you choose. Everyone has their preference for indoor or outdoor, but there are a few things to consider when it comes to the season. Generally, the months of November to February can be a damper on some days depending on where you live. Considering this might result in an indoor venue being more appealing. However, if you have a canopy to shield from any unpredictable weather and a few heaters to keep your guests warm, then why not make your fall or winter wedding outdoors? On the other hand, the month’s March to October tends to be a bit more on the warmer side. Depending on the month, whether you choose early spring or late fall, these months can be perfect for the outdoor wedding scene. But if your date is at the peak of summer in June, July, or August, then there are a few more factors to consider. If you want to have an indoor wedding during these months then you will have no hassles. But if you want to go with an outdoor setting, you will want to consider shade and cooling stations for your guests.



The number of people on your guest list can influence the venue you choose. If you have a small wedding or 50 people or less, you should have no issues with finding a venue to accommodate you. However, a guest list of 100 or more can be a bit more difficult when it comes to picking the perfect venue. If you have a larger guest list then consider that outdoor venues can offer more space than indoor venues. If you are drawn to a venue that caps at 50 guests, then consider cutting down your guest list if possible. You should also consider that some venues also require you to have a maximum amount of guests.

When picking a wedding venue, most brochures will have detailed information about their venues. If you are uncertain about what the right choice is for your wedding, consider the suggestions above. It can be easy to become discouraged about not finding a venue in your price range, but there is something out there for everyone. It might take some time, so plan to start looking early.