Wedding RSVP Cards: Tips You Should Know


RSVP cards: they are an essential part of the wedding invitation process, but it is easy for things to go wrong! In order to get responses from guests and obtain all the necessary information you need, you’ll want to implement some useful tricks. Here are a few tips and things you should keep in mind when creating and sending out your wedding invitations and RSVP cards.


Number Guests to Easily Track RSVPs

Inevitably, there will be at least one card that a guest hasn’t fully filled out – some might even forget to write down their name! In order to avoid having to find out who the mystery person is with the nameless card, use a numbering system to keep track of guests. For each household that is receiving an invitation, assign them a number. In a subtle place on the RSVP card, write down this number. Try putting it on the back so that it is out of sight. If you end up getting back a card that isn’t fully filled out, you can look at that number to see who it belongs to.


Include the Right Details

What exactly goes on a RSVP card? Every card should include the following:

  • The RSVP deadline (the date when guests need to send in their response by).
  • A space where guests can mark whether they’ll be attending or not. Traditionally, it will say “Accepts With Pleasure” and “Regretfully Declines”, but feel free to use language that fits your style.
  • A space for guests to write down exactly who will be attending. If inviting plus-ones, be sure to leave space for those names, as well.
  • A space where guests can select their meal, as well as an area where guests can inform you of any dietary restrictions you may have.

Feel free to have a bit of fun with the RSVP cards, as well! Many couples will leave a space for guests to make any song requests for the DJ. You can also prompt guests to give you any newlywed advice in the open space on the card.


Make it Clear that Guests Need to RSVP

Sometimes, guests will gloss right over the “RSVP” part of your wedding invitation. In order to make it abundantly obvious that the invitation requires a response, you’ll want to use clear wording. Spell out that you’ll need a response by using the right language, such as one of these phrases:

  • “Please respond by September 15”
  • “Your reply is requested by September 15”
  • “Kindly respond by September 15”
  • “The favor of a reply is requested by September 15”

In addition to using clear language, the RSVP date should stand out on the design of the wedding invitation, and should be easily legible.


Provide a Stamped & Dated Return Envelope

If you want to get a high response rate, you’ll want to make it easier for guests to respond. Provide a stamped and addressed return envelope so that guests can simply mark their response on the RSVP card and drop it in the mail. By writing the return address yourself, you’ll also minimize errors and the risk of it not getting returned to the right address.


Offer Alternate Ways to RSVP

While mail-in RSVP cards are the traditional way to go, many couples are using modern technology to help ease the process of RSVPing. An easy RSVP process means it’s more likely you’ll get a higher volume of responses!

It isn’t a bad idea to still use traditional RSVP cards, particularly if you have guests who are less tech-savvy. However, at the bottom of the card, you can indicate that guests may also RSVP by email, at your wedding website, or even by phone if you’d like. Of course, provide the email address/wedding website link/phone number here. If you’re skipping the RSVP cards altogether, this information can be written out at the bottom of your wedding invitation.


Stay in Touch to Prompt Responses

If you keep your wedding on your guests’ radar, it’s more likely they’ll remember to send in their RSVP. Between the sending of the wedding invitations and the RSVP date, find ways to communicate with guests to give them a gentle reminder to RSVP.


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